Have some manners!

School is already bad enough, so we don’t need to make it worse by being rude to each other. Having some manners will go a long way towards making school a little bit more bearable.
Exhibit A: You’re walking into the building behind someone, expecting them to hold the door (and by hold the door I simply mean doing the bare minimum and sticking their arm out behind them to hold it open a little bit longer as they keep walking through it) and then they don’t. If you’re especially slick, you may be able to slip through the door right before it closes. The more likely scenario is that you either have the door slam in your face or get stuck when you think you’re fast enough to slip through before it closes (you’re not).
Exhibit B: You decide to be an incredibly nice person and wait, holding the door open for the person behind you, and then they don’t say thank you. I’m so sorry that your mouth is too tired for you to say two words.
Exhibit C: You’re walking down a crowded hallway going to class and the person in front of you decides to abruptly stop and start talking to someone, effectively blocking that entire side of the hallway with their enormous backpack. Thanks, I really felt like getting punched in the gut by your backpack on my way to math, not to mention that I now have to fight oncoming traffic to walk around you and your huge group of friends standing in the middle of the hallway. I hope that conversation was worth it.
Exhibit D: The annoying people screeching all the way down the hallway to their friend at the other end. a) How did you even spot them from that far away? b) Nobody wants to hear your obnoxious conversation. We’re in high school, so please try to act like young adults instead of screeching monkeys.
Exhibit E: Digressing from the many problems of navigating WS’s hallways, please stop acting like you’re in a WWE match when you’re trying to get paper towels in the bathroom. Yes, everyone knows they’re a limited commodity and that it’s a miracle when there are still some left on a Friday, but you don’t need to crawl over people to get to them. Your hands aren’t going to melt if they stay wet for another 10 seconds.
My point? Please be considerate of your fellow students. Being polite could completely change someone’s day for the better, and we could all use a little bit of that.